Sunday, September 8, 2013

Shrinking the World One Party at Time

No, no. Don't worry, we are not going to talk about the shrinking practices of Jivaroan Tribes from northwestern region of the Amazon rainforest. We're also not going to talk about any scientific discoveries or even magic. Although, Engineer Nick does have the power to stop downpours right before it's time to give rides - he does not possess the power to change the physical size of our beautiful least not yet.

Instead, as the time goes on and we have more and more train events, we are starting to "run" into (again, not physically) some familiar faces. For instance, today we enjoyed giving rides at a 3rd birthday party where we knew six of the guests, and they had no idea we were going to be there. Also found out that the hosts of the party already had the chance to ride our train at a school function, so we have met them previously as well.

People who have previously met us are starting to accidentally find us through social media, google search or the signs on our vehicles.

The icing on the cake has to be a phone call we received on October 6th. Unfortunately, we didn't have the date they wanted available, after which the mom said "but he only likes your train and would have nothing to do with any other trackless trains. When he sees a colorful plastic train he says that they're for babies." Of course, I had to ask how old he is and mom's answer was "he's turning 5 at the end of the month". Apparently our train is for big boys and girls ;)

Hopefully, we can work out a date that would work for both of us. For now, we are feeling incredibly honored to have such impact on the kids' we meet. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for letting us know what makes us different and special.

If you're reading this post, chances are great that we'll "bump" into you soon, in the virtual or physical world, that's luckily not shrinking any time soon! Unfortunately, we can't say the same about the heads of the enemies of certain ancient tribes.

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